OVE is built on the belief that your identity is your ultimate key. Our vision?
A future without wallets or phones for payments, without IDs for verification. Just you, simplifying everyday transactions with the touch of a finger and unlocking a world of convenience. Join us in shaping a simpler, more secure tomorrow.
Empowering the World with the Uniqueness of Fingerprints

The Coconut Story
Hello, I'm Caio Buchalla, a visionary Brazilian entrepreneur. Let me share you how everything began. While running near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, I stumbled upon a vendor selling fresh coconut water, a rarity in the US, and being Brazilian, I wanted one but had no money or devices to pay. That moment sparked the idea of freeing us from payment tools using our own natural and unique pins, our biometrics...
...and so, OVE Touch & Go
was born!
OVE is a pioneering cloud-based fingerprint payment service designed to seamlessly integrate with any point of sale platform. By enabling customers to make payments effortlessly using their fingerprints, OVE not only safeguards merchants and point of sale platforms against fraud and identity theft but also fortifies the entire financial ecosystem. One touch is all it takes!

OVE Sensor
Generation I (Prototype)
The OVE Sensor Gen I was designed to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a cloud-based fingerprint service, overcoming the challenges of developing a hardware product from scratch. Among its key features are Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi connectivity, a capacitive fingerprint sensor, a touchable screen, and a portable battery. For a full video access, email us at support@ovetouchngo.com

New OVE Sensor Gen I coming out on Winter 2024
so far, in 2024
Brainstorming & Feasibility
Technology architecture
US/WO Patents applied
US/WO Trademarks applied
OVE Touch & Go app ready
Hardware architecture
First US Patent granted
Trademarks granted
First POS partnership
Hardware developed
Fingerprint cloud-matching
Patent applied internationally
Second POS partnership
Pre-seed round closed
Beta launch
Second US Patent granted
Card-Present certification process
Hardware industrialization
Seed-round open